Making a serialization system in C#

Short foreword:
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In my game “Gas Water Dirt BOOM” (name subject to change) currently in development as in many computer programs data has to be serialized in order to be stored. You know, like in take a graph of objects and make a line of bytes out of them which is sufficient to reproduce an equivalent graph of objects out of it. There are common readily available solutions to that problem of which I decided to use none and brew my own instead. Let me point out why and how.


There are some requirements I set for my serialization system:

Must produce small output

There are serialization systems which produce nicely structured, readable output. This is cool as long as the product is in-house and you are still debugging the serialization stuff itself. Later on, these are just warming the planet unnecessarily producing data nobody actually needs (exaggeration intended). An XML serializer, for example, will happily encode a 4-byte integer named “Hans-Peter” storing its maximum value as <Hans-Peter>2147483647</Hans-Peter>. That’s 35 characters to store a 4-byte integer let alone most of those also apply some formatting and thus produce even bigger output. What I want my serializer to output is 0x7FFFFFFF. The number, not the string.

Must be able to handle circular dependencies

If there’s an object that is transitively pointing to itself that’s a circular dependency. This means that you can come back to an object just by following references starting at that object. An example in my project is the relation of the classes “Campaign” and “Level”:

See? In a campaign _levels[0].Campaign points to the caller itself.
Now the problem with this is that if you just go ahead and serialize the sh*t out of an object of type Campaign you will need quite some time because there will be a recursion lacking an exit condition:

Must be able to perform late binding

To be able to serialize fields of abstract types, interfaces or base types or such, you have to store type information of some sort. This is necessary to know which type to use during deserialization. So, for example, the class Level above actually stores its Campaign in a field of type ICampaignMutable. The serializer can easily use reflection to know which concrete type to use. The deserializer, on the other hand, has to get information about which type to use out of the serialized data. So ideally according to the requirement of small output such dynamic type data would only be written if the type is bound lately. There is no need to tell the deserializer that what to deserialize is an integer when it already knows by itself. An ICampaignMutable, on the other hand, could potentially be a lot of types. Type information also should be small and boy should it be unique. You see where this is going, right?

Must be able to handle changing code

Because I use my serialization system for persistence, the codebase may change between serialization and deserialization. There are two main problems to handle:

  • Renaming types
  • Adding fields to or removing fields from types

The first one is only a problem if you store type information for late binding using the type’s name (I won’t). For example, when you use dotNet’s built in BinaryFormatter you are basically screwed the moment you tell ReSharper to adjust namespaces (namespaces are part of the fully qualified name of a type). There are solutions to this particular problem but they are not easy to handle.
The second one though means the serialization system has to be able to deserialize data that was stored with an older version of it. Let’s suppose a new field _name was introduced to Campaign. The newer version of the deserializer has to be able to handle the case when this field is not present in the serialized data. Same applies to the removal of fields.

Must Fit nicely into a dependency injection environment

In some types, there are references to services that are injected into them. Those services don’t belong to the serialized data but to the system using that data. The Campaign class, for example, holds a reference to a LevelFactory in order to be able to, well, make levels. It’s an object that’s not serialized and which, during deserialization, is already available in the application deserializing and has to be injected afterwards.


Note: I don’t care much about strictly sticking to UML standards. I use MML (My Markup Language, it’s highly volatile). Solid arrows mean “has a”, hollow arrows mean “is a”. That’s about it. I read in a book by Uncle Bob that it’s ok as long as everybody gets the point.

With the requirements laid out, let’s have a look at the actual implementation. At the very basic level, there are three types involved. BinarySerializer, BinaryDeserializer and BinaryTypeSerializer.

BinarySerializer and BinaryDeserizer offer services to the outer world as well as services to BinaryTypeSerializers.

BinaryTypeSerializers offer services to BinarySerializer and BinaryDeserializer and are injected into them.

As you maybe can already tell from the graphs, the serializers themselves can’t do anything themselves but to read and write bytes or successive data. So there’s a nice separation of concerns as serializers manage the way graphs of objects are handled and type serializers know how a specific type has to be formatted.

Implementation of BinarySerializer and BinaryDeserializer

Serializing and Deserializing simple data

Both classes have an internal MemoryStream and offer methods to the type serializers to perform the most basic read / write operations.

E.g. in order to write an Int32 to the stream you would do something like the following.

Note: Just if you wonder: value doesn’t have to be fixed because being a variable of a value type it’s residing entirely on the stack. Be aware though that in most other cases values have to be fixed.

If you are unable to use unsafe code, you could do the same by utilizing some shifting/masking/looping thingies and calling WriteByte / ReadByte. You’ll figure it out I guess. You shouldn’t be in the first place though. As I found out, even the most picky build targets are cool with it (probably doesn’t apply to unity’s Web Player or WebGL, I haven’t tried).

Serializing and deserializing complex data

Both offer methods to the type serializers to read or write complex types (id est all but bytes and successive data as seen above). In order to handle a type, a typeSerializer for that type has to be registered.

So as you can see, when a complex type is to be (de)serialized, the task is simply delegated to the corresponding typeSerializer.
But wait, there’s more.

Serializing and deserializing null

All fields and variables of reference types in C# can hold the value null. Type serializers shouldn’t have to care much so the (de)serialization of null is handled in the graph serializers (except if the type is serialized by value AND it is a reference type (obviously). I’ll explain later).

Every value written with Write(Type) gets prefixed with one byte to distinguish between null and not null.
When the data is deserialized, the deserializer first checks for the null prefix and conditionally returns null.
There will be more prefixes later.

Serializing and Deserializing sets

The (de)serializer offers methods to (de)serialize arrays.

Note: I got used to make paramater types as abstract as possible and return types as specific as possible. Thus I used IReadonlyCollection<T> as the type of the parameter array above.

Pretty straightforward, isn’t it? First, the length of the array is written. The deserializer will need that information at deserialization. After that, all the values are serialized.

Serializing and deserializing (circular) references

Objects which are not serialized “by value” will be serialized only once and after that, a reference to them will be stored. The serializer has a dictionary of all so far serialized objects and their references.

When an object is serialized, first is checked if it already has a reference and handled accordingly.
If it already has a reference, a reference prefix followed by the reference’s numeric value is written. Otherwise, it’s assigned the next reference value, stored into the reference dictionary and serialized by value with a value prefix.

It is essential that the reference is stored before the object is serialized to avoid a recursive call to serializer.Write(value, this) when there is a circular reference.

The deserializer has a List of all “not by value” objects deserialized so far. Because the deserialization order is strictly the same as the serialization order, a reference’s numeric value equals its index in that list.

When an object that is not “by value” is deserialized, first, the prefix byte is read. The rest of the serialization is handled accordingly.

Here, instantiation and initialization are two distinct steps. That way, the object itself is already stored in the list of references during its own initialization. So when there is a recursive call to Read(Type) during initialization, the same object will be returned.

Serializing and deserializing dynamically typed data

Any field or variable can store data of its own type or data of all types derived from that type. So in cases where the concrete type of a field is not certain, in addition to the data itself, type information has to be stored.
Every type serializer has a distinct type code, a Guid identifying the type unambiguously.

The serializer and deserializer offer dynamic variants of Read<T>() and Write<T>(T)

WriteDynamic<T>(T) writes the typecode and then writes the data of the reflected type. If the value is null, it writes Guid.Empty.

WriteDynamicArray<T>(T[]) writes an array of dynamically typed values.

ReadDynamic<T>() reads the typecode and then uses the corresponding type serializer. If it reads Guid.Empty as the typecode, it returns null.

ReadDynamicArray<T>() reads an array of dynamically typed values.

Implementation of a typo serializer

Funny, isn’t it? Anyways. Type serializers are responsible for actually serializing, deserializing and creating complex data.

They also hold information needed by the (de)serializer about the type they handle.

Very, very basic type serializer

Let’s have a look at the IntSerializer.

Note: In a later version of BaseTypeSerializer<T>, T CreateTyped() has been made virtual, throwing a NotImplementedException. That way, a type serializer whiches type is serialized by value doesn’t have to implement a method that’s never called.

As you can see, it’s straightforward. ByValue and the type code are passed to the base type’s constructor. It uses WriteData(void*, int) and ReadData(void*, int) to store and read the 4 bytes integer.
In Read(ref int, IBinaryTypeSerializerSource), the value has to be fixed because being passed by reference, it could be a field of a managed object which is potentionally moved by the garbage collector.

Very basic type serializer

An example of a very basic serializer (which you probably shouldn’t implement this way) is the one below.

The type serializer is an inner class of the type serialized, so it can access private fields and methods of it. It doesn’t have to be like this though.
Note how the list _levels is converted to an array when serialized and newly instantiated during deserialization. An alternative approach would be to implement a type serializer for the type ObservableList<T> (don’t google it, I made it). It is generic though and type serializers for generic types are a school of witchcraft of their own. We’ll look at that later.

Versioning in type serializers

Over time, types change. Fields come and go. To be able to read serialized data that has been serialized with an older version of the code, versioning has to be utilized. You should use versioning right from the start if you are not over 9000 % sure that the type serialized is super stable.

An integer representing the version of the serialized data is serialized as the first value. It is then read at deserialization and the following code is executed accordingly.

If, for example, a new field string _description would be introduced, the serializer would change to something like this.

The version has been incremented to two. The new field is serialized. It is only deserialized if the version of the serialized data is bigger or equal to two. Otherwise it is initialized with a standard value dervived from _name.

Now let’s suppose the field Guid _id is removed.

Version is incremented to three. _id is no longer serialized. At deserialization though, if version is less than three (id est _id is present in the serialized data), the value no longer needed is read to advance the deserializer by the size of a Guid and get to the position where _name is stored.

Type serializers handling initialization

Some types simply are not ready to go when they are just deserialized. The class Campaign, for example, has an ObservableList<> of levels. After deserialization, it has to register to events of that list in order to, well, actually observe.

Any initialization steps necessary can be done after deserialization. Here, RegisterLevels is called after a Campaign is deserialized.

Type serializers injecting dependencies

As mentioned before, a Campaign holds a LevelFactory which is not serialized but injected during deserialization.

After the campaign is deserialized, the level factory is injected. To be able to do so, the serializer itself is dependent on the level factory, which is injected into it.

Generic type serializers

To be able to serialize generic types, one would implement a generic type serializer like this:

The content of the list is serialized as an array. Easy.
There’s just one giant elephant in the room. Every constructed NotSoCleverListSerializer<T> (e.g NotSoCleverListSerializer<int>, NotSoCleverListSerializer<float> etc.) has the same type code. So the deserializer is basically f*cked. It simply won’t be able to determine which type serializer it should use.
To avoid this, the type code of a constructed ListSerializer<T> is computed from its own type code and the type code of T

The type code is computed by XOr-ing the own type code with the type code of T. The ITypecodeSource needed to do so is the serializer or deserializer, which holds all the type serializers and looks up the type code when needed. BaseTypeSerializerComputedTypecode calls ComputeTypecode only once and stores the result.


To show how the system is used, I set up some test classes, Foo and Bar (obviously), and implemented type serializers for them. There’s also a class Bar<T> (Ha! Barty!), which is derived from Bar.

Note: There’s a more elegant way to serialize derived types. Read the quickstart guide for more information.

To actually use the serialization system you first have to do some setup. You can let a Di Container do a lot of the work. Here, I do it manually.

All the type serializers are stuffed into an array and then passed to the serializer. Also, Bar<T>.Serializer is dependent on Bar.Serializer.

To actually have something to serialize, I made an awfully interconnected graph of Foos and Bars.

Then I put all of them into a List<object> and serialized it.

Lastly, I deserialized and made sure the resulting graph is equal to the original one.


Making it better (V1.2)

For unknown reasons, I distrust software with a version number of 1.1.
Anyways, now that all the requirements are met, it’s time for new requirements, obviously.

Adhere to the single responsibility principle

Type serializers are passed directly to the serializers which then perform dynamic typing. So the serializers have at least two axes of potential change:

  • The way serialization of graphs is handled
  • The way dynamic typing is handled

There should be an instance which takes all the type serializers (and other things maybe) and simply resolves a type serializer given either a type or dynamic type data. I defined an interface to a type serializer repository and changed the serializers accordingly.

Now, this is better. Not good, but it’s ok-ish. The serializers still handle dynamic typing (using typecodes). This should be a concern of the type repository. So I will change the interface to the type serializer repository once more.
Don’t worry, this will lead somewhere soon.

This is nice. The serializers don’t care anymore how type information is stored. BinarySerializer just delegates the task of storing type information to TypeSerializerRepository and BinaryDeserializer gets it’s type serializer passing itself to the type serializer repository which then reads type information and returns it.
There is this principle of “tell, don’t ask“. So here I rather tell the type serializer repository to do its job instead of asking for type codes. Now, type information can be stored in whatever way but just by writing type codes. This is a good thing as soon as resolving dynamic types gets more complicated (which it does).

Implementation of the type serializer repository

This should be easy.

It was. If this would be where it ends, I wouldn’t even bother you with the code. But..

Automatic resolving of generic type serializers

In the use case above, I passed a ListSerializer<object> as well as a ListSerializer<Foo> to the serializers.
There should be a way to simply register ListSerializer<> once and then be ready to go, as long as an IBinaryTypeSerializer<TItem> is registered as well. This is exactly where resolving types from serialized data gets more complex and it is a great thing I already ripped that part off the serializers and put it elsewhere.

So there should be instances which can produce type serializers given a type or some serialized type information.

Interface to a type serializer factory

First of all, a type serializer factory has to be able to determine if it can construct a type serializer for a given type.

Then, obviously, it should give it to the type serializer repository.

Easy. The tricky part of dynamic typing seems to always lie at the deserialization side. When deserializing, the type serializer repository has to determine which type serializer factory to use out of serialized type information. Good thing we delegated writing and reading type information entirely to it, isn’t it? Identifying what to use with Guids worked well, so let’s do that again. Every type serializer factory is given an id.

This is good and well to determine which factory to use but it still doesn’t tell the factory which type serializer to instantiate. So obviously, factories have to store additional type information themselves and be able to read it.

Usage of type serializer factories

The type serializer repository now gets a set of type serializer factories injected.

When asked to resolve a type serializer for a given type, the type repository will first check if a type serializer can handle that type and if not, find a type serializer factory which can make one and get the type serializer from there.

To write type information during serialization, the type serializer repository first checks if there is a serializer handling that type and if not, write the corresponding factories id and then let it write its type information.

During deserialization, a guid is read from the serialized data. If there’s a type serializer with that type code, it’s returned. Otherwise, the type serializer factory with that id is picked and used to resolve a type serializer based on the type information in the serialized data.

Reduce branching

There is one thing that bugs me about this. In all three cases, first the repository checks for a type serializer and if it doesn’t find one, it checks for a type factory. To avoid this, I made the type serializer repository dependent on factories only. I also made BaseTypeSerializer implement ITypeSerializerFactory, handling just one explicit type.

e-z. Now the repository has to deal only with factories.

Implementation of an abstract type serializer factory

To make the implementation of type serializer factories easy, I implemented an abstract type to handle the nasty parts like reflection, caching, boilerplate and so on. There are variants for one type parameter (e.g. IBinaryTypeSerializer<List<T>>) and two type parameters (e.g. IBinaryTypeSerializer<Dictionary<TKey, TValue>>).

The constructor asks for the generic type definition of the type handled (e.g. List<T>) and an id (Guid) as a string. It instantiates the cache of already resolved types.

HasSerializer(Type) checks if the generic type definition of a type is the stored generic type definition (e.g. typeof(List<int>).GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List<>)).

Now it is getting interesting. GetSerializer(Type) first checks if there already is a serializer for a given type and if not, it uses some reflection to map the non generic call to CreateSerializer to a call to the generic abstract CreateSerializer<TInner>() which in fact is the only member to be implemented in derived types (except for the constructor).

Implementation of an actual type serializer factory

With this abstract implementation at hand, implementing a factory for a generic type gets next to trivial.

BaseTypeSerializerFabricated<T> is a base type of BaseTypeSerializer<T> which doesn’t implement ITypeSerializerFactory<T>.

Reducing dynamic type data (V1.3)

Every time an object is serialized dynamically, type information is stored as a Guid. There is no need to write the same 128 bits of data over and over again though. So, similarly to references, type codes are writen as a reference (a 16 bit unsigned integer) when used repeatedly.

This way, dynamic type data is reduced drastically. The downside is that the serialzation system is now limited to only about 65000 types. I think it will be ok.

Introducing creation data (V1.4)

When I implemented the type serializer for Dictionary<TKey, TValue> I realized that there should be a way to get some data to IBinarySerializer<T>‘s Create() method. Just look at the implementation I came up with without being able to.

There are a lot of things I hate in this. Magic strings, unnecessary reflection, ReSharper freaking out, you name it.
Now, the problem is that you cannot implement the type serializer as an inner class of Dictionary<TKey, TValue> so you could set private fields directly. Microsoft carelessly forgot to make all their classes partial.
Joking aside, it’s not really a big deal to implement a solution to that. I just splitted the data written into creation data and initialization data.

Then I pass the deserializer to IBinaryTypeSerializer.Create() et voila, problem solved.

Just have a look at the new implementation of Dictionary<TKey, TValue>‘s type serializer.

Beautiful. There’s also a nice side effect of this. Type serializers handling basic value types are much cleaner now because they only implement WriteCreationData and Create.


Note: You might ask if one couldn’t simply pass all the data as creation data and conduct the initialization in CreateTyped. There’s still the problem that an object cannot be read by reference as long as it’s being created. So, in order to avoid errors associated with circular references, you always use as few creation data as possible.